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Isabela Ticona

Affiliations and Roles

EOP/HEOP Ambassador

Undergraduate Mentors


Why are you an ambassador?

Being an H/EOP student had been a blessing to me in so many ways, and being an ambassador for this program is my way of giving back. The H/EOP community has been welcoming to me from Day 1 at Cornell, and it feels good to know people who share similar backgrounds and experiences like mine. We have all persevered through challenges to get to where we are and we should be proud of that. I’m very passionate about mentoring and guiding students that want to know more about H/EOP and life at Cornell. It is important to me that more people become aware about the H/EOP program and the great things we do!

Your internship/work experiences

I am currently working as a lab technician at the Animal Health Diagnostic Center at Cornell Vet. I was a previous veterinary intern for VAW Global Health Alliances in Cusco, Peru this summer. I also am a mentor for incoming students in the Kessler Presidential Scholars Program, a program that provides support to first-generation college students.

Your Co-curricular Activities (clubs, organizations, athletic involvements, etc...)

VAW Global Health Alliances and Cornell Western Equestrian Team