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Stephanie "Steph" Cowling-Rich

Affiliations and Roles

Assistant Director, EOP/HEOP / Assistant Director, OADI, Student Advising & Engagement

Affirming Pronouns: she/her/hers

Professional Staff


Steph has spent much of her professional career focused on supporting young adults transition through postsecondary pathways. She has worked in both university and nonprofit settings concentrating on college success, youth development, and workforce/career development with an emphasis on students of color from low income backgrounds. Originally from Northern California, she earned her M.A. in Education and her B.A. in Sociology from UC Berkeley. While an undergraduate, Steph ran hurdles for Cal’s track and field team (Go Bears!). Additionally, she has studied Women's Spirituality, Non-Violent Communication (NVC), Insight Meditation, Brazilian dance, and Intergroup Dialogue. While at Cornell, she has had the privilege of co-facilitating Cornell’s "Advising Across Difference" IDP course for academic advisors since 2019 and serving as a Let’s Meditate guide. She is especially interested in integrating practices of reflection, mindfulness, social justice, goal setting, visioning, and deep interpersonal communication within the spaces she engages in at Cornell.